Friday, June 19, 2009

Famous Images

Famous Images

Images are used to enhance journalism. Without them, the reader would not get to experience a visual account of people's emotions as well as the historical impact that these events create. With photographs, the reader gets a view thought a window to the world, coming into contact with human emotions and intense events, like national disasters, or warfare. The photographer is essential for bringing the story to life, using images that convey feelings and anomalies. A mere image can impact the world, and change the course of human events.

Famous Images

Images are used to enhance journalism. Without them, the reader would not get to experience a visual account of people's emotions as well as the historical impact that these events create. With photographs, the reader gets a view throught a window to the world, coming into contact with human emotions and intense events, like national disasters, or warfare. The photographer is essential for bringing the story to life, using images that convey feelings and anomalies. A mere image can impact the world, and change the course of human events.

This famous picture was taken of Adolf Hitler, the infamous dictator of Germany, and Benito Mossolini.

This tragic picture was taken to portray the devastation of the Katrina Hurricane in Southeastern United States.

Neil Armstrong took this picture of Buzz Aldrin, although Aldrin was second on the moon.

This famous and recent picture was taken after the fall of the Hussein Empire over Iraq.

This famous picture by Steven McCurry is world inspiring. He took this picture, and only after 17 years was he able to find her.

Atomic Bombs were unvelied to the world in the ending of World War II. This bomb was part of the Operation Castle.

September 11, 2001 was a mourning day for Americans when terrorists crashed two planes into the World Trade Center Towers.

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